July 16, 2013


The kids started VBS yesterday. Jada and Kaila did well waking up earlier than usual. Zeek, as usual, was already awake. We were in the car and on our way right on schedule giving me plenty of time to tour the kids through the large building and locate each of their classes with them. I stayed with them through the morning celebration time, and then Leo and I left for our alone time. 

We went to Barnes and Noble and poked around... I was looking for some new sketching materials and some activity books for Jada- she isn't into the same stuff Zeek and Kaila are, so sometimes she's my little wanderer with "nothing to do" :)

I let Leo walk around in the store. He was really well behaved. With all that was at his tiny fingertips I was amazed that he only took a few books (with puppies) off the shelves. Even in the kids section he did well. It was nice to have him all to myself. It reminded me of the days of Zeek and I out when he was that age. As much as I enjoy the productivity level of having more, there's just something about having one child. It feels so special and different. Anyway, we were pals. We went to Noodles for lunch and then back to pick up the big kids. 

The kids told me all about their classes, and even what they learned about God and serving. They had memorized their scripture for the week, "He (Jesus) came to serve and not to be served" I believe it was. 

I'm glad they enjoyed it.

We stopped for our groceries on the way home. It's so nice grocery shopping with them. They can find food like nobodies business, so I just put them on missions in each isle. It takes me about half the time to shop with them that it does when I'm alone. Leo must love grocery shopping because he was perfect again. 

Once home, I told the kids they could play Minecraft, endlessly. Zeek got the full version on xbox this weekend and he and Kaila are loving it. Jada, of course, isn't into it as much. But they decided to each build her her own room per her specifications, and she decided that she will chose the best one and keep it. I'm glad they do their best to include her. 

She hung out with her new paperdoll sticker books while Leo and I made meals, cleaned up, did laundry, had a sink bath (well Leo did that part)... 

Tomorrow, it's VBS again, and I would love to do strawberry picking on the way home.
Can you believe we haven't done that yet!? 

I just never know what we're in store for these days. :)

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