Although Leo seemed to be feeling all better yesterday morning, I knew it was going to be best to stay home so he could get his naps in without any trouble. We were supposed to go out to meet my friend Linsey and her four kids at the park, and the kids were looking forward to our first outing, but we called it off and invited their family to play at our place.
Shortly after, our other good friends Nina and her three kids were added to the roster and we knew we were in for one full day of FUN! :)
The kids had a blast. They played all day long. They played so well that the mamas decided to extend our playdate through dinner. Nina and Linsey cleaned up the kitchen while I took Leo, Jada, and Linsey's Lily with me to The Pig for some grillin' goods.
The girls were SO cute in the grocery store. They were singing and dancing and chatting away. I could tell they were so happy to have found each other, with both of their eyes lit up and their smiles a mile wide each. Adorable. As always, Leo was perfect.
Greg was home from work when we got back, and Linsey's husband joined us within minutes.
Don't get me wrong, the day was crazy. Anyone who didn't know us would have run screaming from the scene upon entry. In fact I'm not even sure the mailman stopped to give us our mail. With 11 kids, including babies, toddlers, bikes, scooters, side walk chalk, drinks, snacks, flip flops everywhere, crying, screaming, scheming, laughing, tattling, skinned knees, bandaids, more crying, singing, yelling, racing, DIRT, bloody noses... I heard a hand full of times at random, "this is the best day ever!", I watched new friendships form- from the rocky to the roses, I tried to get photos but couldn't find time. All I'm sure of is that three moms spent the day in their own little makeshift form of heaven on earth...
Yeah, maybe not for the faint of heart, but I couldn't have asked for more.
Oh, and Leo, once again - the perfect baby.